Cookons is a French start-up that aims to rethink the digital recipe library experience. With « the chest » app, users not only access a rich, inspiring and qualitative library of recipes from top chefs, but they can also manage their content intuitively, similar to music content, as well as connect with a social community of other passionate cooks.

1 • UX Research
A preliminary UX research phase was conducted with competitor analysis, a review of existing stakeholder hypothesis and a qualitative user research phase. Important insights and takeaways were summarized in persona maps and a list of key design challenges and features to be considered.

2 • MVP Definition
The MVP requirements and goals were defined based on user stories defined from the UX research phase.
A user flow diagram was then created to map the main features and user flow.

3 • Ideation & Rapid Prototyping
The ideation started with sketches and rapid prototyping. A usability test was conducted with 3 participants to evaluate the design with 3 main tasks to perform. Observations were synthesized and rated to support further iterations.

4 • Design and testing
During the design phase, mood boards, preliminary rough style guide and a first range of mid fidelity wireframe were created for the responsive app using a “mobile first” approach. An A/B test was conducted in order to evaluate and pick on visual direction.